NAEYC Accreditation: What It Is, And Why It's Important

Posted on: 4 August 2017

NAEYC is the National Association for the Education of Young Children. It is the organization that sets the bar for early childhood education even higher that state or federal regulations. There are many reasons why a daycare center should obtain NAEYC accreditation, as well as the many benefits of obtaining the accreditation:

Accreditation Means ALL Teachers Have a Higher Level of Training and Education

A daycare center working toward NAEYC accreditation has to make sure that ALL of its teachers have at least a year certification in childcare, although a two-year degree or more is preferable. Better trained teachers with greater education under their belts means that the children in their classes also receive better education. As a parent, this means that your child will receive the best in care and the best learning experiences possible.

Accreditation Means ALL Teachers Can Save a Life

While many daycare and childcare centers attempt to have some staff on hand who can handle medical emergencies with children, an accredited center means that EVERY teacher in the center has advanced CPR and first aid training. This includes wound care, care for kids and adults who have been injured while having a seizure, and caring for children and adults that experience pulmonary and cardiac emergencies. Every teacher in an accredited center is like having a nurse in every classroom, too. The ultimate level of safety offered your child puts your mind at ease.

Accreditation Means No Copied Worksheets and Using "the Teachable Moment"

Some daycare teachers in some centers rely heavily on copied worksheets to teach children. Children do not learn this way. They learn by doing, seeing, engaging, critical thinking, answering, and pursuing things that interest them.

Many private and charter preschools utilize the Montessori method of teaching because it automatically meets many of the NAEYC's requirements for accreditation. Montessori Method is in line with "the teachable moment" idea of teaching young students. NAEYC stresses "the teachable moment," which focuses on answering children's questions through investigation, observation, and research for answers to the questions children ask.

Accreditation Means That Preschool Teachers Get Paid What They Are Worth

Rather than pay a daycare to look after your child and get a subpar education, accredited centers reassure parents that these centers provide the best education possible for your children. In return, you may pay more to the center, but the extra funds you pay means that teachers are paid what they are worth. The first five years of a child's life are the most critical because children grow and learn the most during these years. Teachers that are highly educated, trained, and who are being paid what they are worth make a greater effort to teach well.
